Scalp psoriasis and dandruffCategoriesScalp psoriasis vs Dandruff

Scalp Psoriasis vs Dandruff

Understanding the difference between Scalp Psoriasis and Dandruff

Scalp psoriasis and dandruff are conditions that occur on the scalp and often look similar, creating confusion in many people. Let’s see how Scalp psoriasis differs from dandruff in this blog.  

Scalp Psoriasis


Scalp psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects a part or entire area on the scalp Dandruff is a common condition that affects the scalp and skin which is not very severe.
This forms thick plaques and scales, which cause excess itching on the scalp This forms as a dry or flaky scale on the scalp and will fall out as flakes
It can affect any area of the scalp and will appear as a thick, reddish patch. The affected areas will be itchy, dry flaky, and even bleed. It may also cause temporary hair loss This causes the affected areas of skin on the scalp to shed a white flake, which usually falls on shoulders and clothes that creates embarrassment in public
The exact cause of scalp psoriasis is not known yet. However, researchers believe that it may be caused by genetics and environmental exposure  The exact reasons for dandruff are also not proven by scientists yet. Doctors believe that poor hygiene, improper maintenance of hair, and overproduction of yeast in the scalp will cause dandruff
Psoriasis can’t be spread from the affected person to a healthy person through physical contact Most people consider dandruff to be contagious. But it can’t be transferred person-to-person by physical contact
Home       Remedies
  • Firstly, scalp psoriasis should not be scratched 
  • Aloe vera gel can treat scalp psoriasis effectively
  • Coconut oil can relieve the inflammation caused in the scalp and smooth it
  • Proper hygiene and practice of meditation can help treat any kind of psoriasis
  • Medicated shampoo prescribed in the pharmacy
  • Aloe vera gel can also help treat dandruff.
  • Any kind of infection in the skin or hair can be treated with coconut oil, as it has rich properties for smoothing.
The Chemical Process of Creation
When a person gets scalp psoriasis, the immune system becomes overactive, making the skin cells grow faster than usual. This results in the accumulation of excess dead skin cells on the surface of the skin rather than shedding. That is when the patches and plaques appear In terms of dandruff, a natural oil called sebum will be released excessively in the scalp. Sometimes a fungus called Malassezia, which is naturally present in everyone’s head, will misprocess and lead to dandruff Malassezia
Scalp psoriasis will get triggered and worsen with factors like external injuries, infections, excess sun exposure, stress, and certain medications Dry skin, sensitivity to certain hair products, improper diet, stress, hormonal changes, and improper maintenance of the hair will trigger the dandruff more.
When should I see a doctor?
If a person develops excess itching, redness, or inflammation by scalp psoriasis, immediate medical attention is required.  Usually, dandruff can be cured in the home easily and there is no need for consultation with doctors. However, if a person has dandruff that lasts for many days, they can speak to a healthcare professional
  • Medicated Shampoos – Shampoos containing Clobetasol propionate are one of the most effective methods to treat scalp psoriasis 
  • Scale Softeners – Ointments, lotions, and creams containing Salicylic Acid are commonly recommended by dermatologists.
  • Laser Treatments – For the worst condition of scalp psoriasis, doctors provide light treatments like Excimer Laser and Phototherapy which are very effective 
Dandruff is not dangerous and usually won’t need specified treatments. Doctors may recommend anti-dandruff shampoos containing zinc pyrithione, Salicylic acid, and coal tar to reduce the fall of flake from the scalp.


Dandruff is primarily caused by a misprocess that occurs in certain immune systems of the body and can often be managed with over-the-counter shampoos containing antifungal agents. On the other hand, scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune condition characterized by the rapid turnover of skin cells. If you find any of these symptoms of scalp psoriasis, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a professional doctor and follow their guidance.
Picture of Rakhul Mathivanan
Rakhul Mathivanan

Rakhul Mathivanan, a writer and filmmaker, focuses on creating innovative and unique content through directing short films, writing scripts, blogs, articles, case studies, and website content. He loves to watch movies, read books, listen to music, and travel. He has also had expertise in the field of writing and filmmaking for over a year and works closely with Xemsis by providing them with well-researched blogs about psoriasis.

psoriasis vs eczemaCategoriespsoriasis vs eczema

Psoriasis vs Eczema

What is the difference between psoriasis and eczema?

Do you have a skin condition where you get white patches, redness, and itching? It might be psoriasis. Or it can also be eczema! Psoriasis and eczema are two common skin conditions. Although the two skin conditions may seem similar, they are not the same due to their distinct causes, conditions, and treatments. In this blog, let us see the details of psoriasis and eczema, as well as how to differentiate between the two skin disorders.

What are psoriasis and eczema?

Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune condition characterized by excessive skin cell growth. This results in plaques, which are thick, red patches covered in white scales. Although these spots can develop anywhere on the body, the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back are the most frequently affected areas. Psoriasis is not contagious and does not transfer through physical contact between individuals. Psoriasis frequently flares up and then goes away in cycles.

Similar to psoriasis, eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition marked by dry, itchy, and inflammatory skin. It often starts in infancy or childhood and can continue into adulthood. The face, hands, elbows, and knees can all develop red, scaly patches due to eczema. Similar to psoriasis, eczema can flare up and is not communicative.

Identifying Psoriasis

1. Appearances

Psoriasis looks like raised, red patches covered with silvery-white scales. They often appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

2. Cause

Causes of psoriasis differ from person to person, but a few common causes are genetic, environmental factors, cuts and wounds, certain foods, and medications.

3. Thickened nails

Psoriasis can affect nails, making them thickened, pitted, or ridged. 

4. Scalp involvement

Psoriasis often affects the scalp, causing red, scaly patches and itching.

5. Triggers

Nightshade vegetables, medications, stress, alcohol, and smoking can trigger psoriasis

Identifying Eczema

1. Appearances

Eczema shows up as dry, itchy, and inflamed skin that might be red, rough, and scaly. The itching can be intense, especially at night.

2. Areas affected

Eczema often pops up in flexible areas like the inner elbows, behind the knees, and neck. It can also show up on the face, hands, and feet.

3. Cause

Causes of psoriasis differ from person to person, but in most cases, they are genetic, and environmental factors.

4. Sensitive skin

People with eczema often have sensitive skin that reacts to things like irritants and allergens, leading to flare-ups. Stress, certain foods, and harsh skincare products can trigger these flare-ups.

5. Eczema in infants

Eczema often starts in babies, showing up as red, itchy patches on their face, scalp, and body. These patches might ooze and crust over, making babies uncomfortable.

6. Thickened Nails

With eczema, thickened, pitted, or ridged nails are less common.

7. Triggers

Medications, stress, hot water, hormonal changes, alcohol, and smoking can trigger eczema.

A Solution for both psoriasis and eczema

Xemsis Ointment can help you get rid of red spots, itching, and scaly skin, regardless of whether you have psoriasis or eczema. It is made with all-natural ingredients, especially by a special phytogenics technique, and has proven to show visible results in just 7 days. Whether you’re struggling with psoriasis plaques or eczema flare-ups, This ointment can provide relief and restore normal skin faster. With its gentle yet effective formula, Xemsis ointment is a solution for both psoriasis and eczema, helping you achieve healthier, happier skin.


Eczema and psoriasis are two different conditions with different causes, and symptoms, despite some similarities between them. Understanding these differences can help you and your healthcare provider determine the best and most effective treatment plan. If you suspect that you have psoriasis or eczema, consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis, or you can consider trying Xemsis ointment and witnessing visible results in just 7 days. With the right care and treatment, you can find relief and improve the quality of your skin and life.

Decoding Psoriasis: Revealing the Causes and Triggers | Psoriasis Insights & Solutions | XEMSISCategoriesPsoriasis Treatment

Decoding Psoriasis: Revealing the Causes and Triggers


Psoriasis is difficult to live with. The secret of managing psoriasis lies in identifying the triggers and understanding the root cause. Psoriasis can occur due to different causes and types, which may vary from person to person. In this blog, let us look into the issues of psoriasis and the causes and triggers that provoke the psoriasis skin disorder. By analysing these factors, this blog encourages people to take charge of their psoriasis condition and start a journey towards healthy skin.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disease that causes extra cell growth which leads to the formation of red, scaly patches that can be both physically uncomfortable and emotionally distressing for an individual. There are a lot of reasons that cause psoriasis from environmental to genetic conditions. Let us see more of that.

Causes of Psoriasis

Causes of Psoriasis

1. Genetic Cause

For some people, genetic causes can be one of the main causes of psoriasis. A person is more likely to get psoriasis due to your blood relatives who have it. Family members with psoriasis history have a high risk of developing this skin disease. It is advised to check with a doctor if your family member is affected by psoriasis. 

2. Immune System

The immune system plays a huge role in psoriasis. Psoriasis happens when the immune system gets too active and attacks healthy skin cells. This causes redness and rapid skin cell growth. Understanding this helps in finding the right treatments to soothe the skin for those dealing with psoriasis. 

3. Environmental and Other Factors

Environmental factors also play an important role in the development of psoriasis like genetics. Additional factors, like infections, stress, and medications, can also trigger psoriasis when it occurs. Throat infections can be a starting point of psoriasis, and stress will make it worse. It is important to know about these environmental factors to manage psoriasis. This helps individuals make lifestyle choices and work with their doctors to create personalized plans for treatment and relief.

Triggers of Psoriasis

1. Stress

Psoriasis and stress are associated with each other. Stress is a major trigger for psoriasis and worsens it, raising itching and redness. Practising stress-management techniques such as mindfulness or yoga can be beneficial in managing psoriasis.

2. Infections

Psoriasis also appears due to infections.  Protecting self from infection is essential for managing psoriasis. You can maintain your health by getting help from doctors for both the infection and psoriasis. To minimize the impact on psoriasis, it is essential to understand and handle infections.

3. Skin Injuries

Physical injuries trigger and make psoriasis symptoms worse. When your skin gets hurt, psoriasis might appear there. Cuts or burns could make psoriasis worse in that spot. So, being careful and avoiding injuries is important for those dealing with psoriasis. It helps keep the skin healthy and reduces the chances of having more skin troubles.

4. Certain Medications

Sometimes, certain medicines that make psoriasis show up such as lithium, antimalarial drugs, and beta-blockers, have been identified as potential triggers for psoriasis. If you see changes while taking medications, consult a physician.

5. Weather Conditions

The chance of psoriasis flare-ups is often related to cold, dry conditions. When there is insufficient humidity, it might worsen the symptoms of dry skin. During these situations, moisturising is an essential part of proper skin care practices.


Understanding the causes and triggers of psoriasis is a crucial first step in managing the condition. Stress, infections, skin injuries, medications, and weather conditions can cause psoriasis. While genetic factors, immune systems, and environmental influences develop psoriasis. By raising awareness of these factors, those suffering from psoriasis can make the right decisions regarding their lifestyle, medical care, and ways to reduce stress, enhancing their skin quality and making them face their condition confidently.

XEMSIS | Un hide psoriasisCategoriesPsoriasis Treatment

Hiding Psoriasis is not a solution


Living with psoriasis can be hard, and sometimes people are forced to hide their identity due to social humiliation. This blog highlights the importance of accepting who you are and realizing that it does not determine your value. We’ll discuss the importance of loving oneself, break the myth that psoriasis should be hidden, and examine the ground-breaking Xemsis ointment, a ray of hope that results in as little as seven days.

Unhide Psoriasis and love yourself

Although it could seem like a temporary solution, hiding psoriasis fuels the cycle of guilt and loneliness. When it comes to reality, your skin condition has no impact on how valuable you are as a person. It’s essential to question cultural norms and support honesty to promote a change from hiding to self-acceptance.

Skin doesn’t define you. Your identity is not just what’s on your skin. Although psoriasis disease may affect the skin, it does not affect your personality, successes, or future goals. One of the most important steps on the path to self-acceptance and love is realizing that your value is greater than what you can see.

Self-love is a transformative journey. Embrace your unique qualities, including those influenced by psoriasis. Recognize the strength and determination it takes to go through this condition. Loving yourself means acknowledging every part of who you are, without allowing external judgments to cloud your self-confidence.

Xemsis: A New Revolution in Psoriasis Treatment Ointment

In treating psoriasis, Xemsis Ointment is a groundbreaker. This unique ointment breaks down obstacles by producing visible results in seven days. Its innovative formula is designed not only to reduce symptoms and provide immediate relief but also to give people the ability to take back control of their healthy skin. This unique solution opens a new chapter in the history of psoriasis treatment and gives patients living with hope and self-confidence. Wave goodbye to extended suffering and welcome a brighter and more comfortable path to healthier skin with Xemsis Ointment.

A New Revolution in Psoriasis Treatment

The 7-Day visible result

Xemsis Ointment is a real game-changer that delivers on its promises. Within just 7 days, users notice significant improvements in their skin texture, as well as significant reductions in redness and irritation. This Ointment works quickly to relieve bodily symptoms and give users a renewed sense of hope and confidence. Include Xemsis into their skincare routine and feel better overall in addition to having relief from the discomfort associated with psoriasis skin. It’s more than just a cream, it’s an inspiration that speeds up and gives you more confidence on your path to better skin.

Break Free from the Chains

Free yourself from the burden of hiding psoriasis. Although hiding it could provide a temporary respite, true freedom arises when you violate social norms. By being honest about psoriasis, we can reduce the stigma associated with skin diseases and promote an inclusive society. Accept who you are, and let’s hope to create a culture that values individuality and understanding beyond appearances. It’s time to throw off psoriasis constraints and enter a society that values reality.


The social construct of hiding psoriasis leads to negative perceptions. To escape the prison of hiding, you have to accept your actual self, acknowledge your inner value, and use advanced Xemsis Ointment. Keep in mind that every person’s experience with psoriasis is different, and by sharing your story and being true to yourself, you add to the larger narrative of acceptance and strength. Love yourself and let development in psoriasis treatment serves as a ray of hope for a more positive and accepting world.

XEMSIS | Revolutionizing Psoriasis Treatment for a Clearer FutureCategoriesPsoriasis Treatment

Revolutionizing Psoriasis Treatment for a Clearer Future


Living with psoriasis can be a challenging journey, marked by the continuous presence of red, itchy, and scaly skin. A new hope has emerged in the form of Xemsis for those seeking relief. Xemex is a company dedicated to transforming the lives of psoriasis sufferers. In this blog, we’ll look into the complexities of psoriasis, learn about Xemsis, and witness the remarkable results of their breakthrough cream.

Understanding Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune disease that causes the skin’s normal development cycle to be accelerated, resulting in an excessive accumulation of skin cells. This causes red patches and irritated areas that are coated with silvery scales. This makes the affected people uncomfortable and has difficulties with their self-esteem. Beyond its obvious effects, psoriasis occurs in a variety of ways, each involving different treatments. Triggers like stress and infections contribute to attacks. Plus, psoriasis affects more than just the skin, increasing the possibility of related health issues. Considering this Xemsis has taken the lead in changing the story in the continuous search for effective treatments.

About Xemex

For 30 years, we have been a trusted name in healthcare, balancing ethics and success. We focus on cardiac, diabetic, neurological, gastrointestinal, urological, respiratory, and nutritional healthcare, crafting products to meet specific needs. Our dedication to quality has gained the trust of healthcare professionals and patients. We’re known for going the extra mile, ensuring excellence in all we do. Join us as we continue to make a positive impact in healthcare.

Psoriasis Ointment - XEMSIS

Introducing Xemsis

Xemex, a pioneering pharmaceutical company, has dedicated its efforts to finding a solution for psoriasis sufferers. To enhance the quality of life for those with this condition, Xemex has developed a revolutionary cream “Xemsis” designed to cure the symptoms and provide visible results within a timeframe. 

Xemsis stays as a hope for psoriasis sufferers. The formulation is cautiously made to address the root causes of psoriasis, offering a unique blend of ingredients and modern technology. Xemsis-Ointment is specially formulated with 100% natural ingredients with no steroids, no paraben, and no toxins. These ingredients help soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and control the excessive skin cell turnover associated with these conditions. It provides relief from symptoms and supports healthier skin. Xemsis’s fast-absorbing formula ensures deep penetration, targeting the source of psoriasis symptoms. 

Xemsis-Ointment stands out with its commitment to providing noticeable results within a time frame of seven days, setting it apart in the realm of skincare and offering satisfying relief for psoriasis sufferers.

Psoriasis-Free Future

Xemex envisions a society in which psoriasis is overcomeable rather than a hindrance. Our continuous commitment to research and development indicates our desire to improve the quality of life for those who suffer from psoriasis. As Xemsis ointment keeps having transforming effects, the story of psoriasis changes from one of hopelessness to hope. This journey will serve as a source of encouragement for those who suffer from psoriasis and will mark a significant advancement towards the day when the skin condition will not only be cured but also completely vanish.


Xemsis has emerged as a groundbreaking solution, breaking the idea that psoriasis is an impossible obstacle. With its unique structure and unwavering promise to provide relief in as little as seven days, Xemsis is leading the way in psoriasis treatment advancements. This incredible advancement in skincare not only yields noticeable benefits but also gives promise for a future free of psoriasis. As we celebrate this success, let’s work together to spread knowledge and give psoriasis sufferers the confidence they need to face life straight away. Xemsis is more than simply a product; it’s a representation of creativity and the potential to overcome skin problems. Let’s team up to make psoriasis a condition that can be properly treated rather than making it a barrier.

psoriasis treatmentCategoriesPsoriasis Treatment

A Revolution in Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that can occur for a variety of reasons, regardless of age, or gender. This skin disorder has been sourced over the history of time and has been misunderstood. Over the years of research and technological advancement, the understanding has significantly changed. In this blog, we will go back in time on the blog, contrasting historical views of psoriasis with the state of knowledge and available treatments today.

Beginning Psoriasis

Psoriasis was misinterpreted and the subject of many myths and misconceptions in the past. The beliefs that society had about psoriasis were based on a lack of medical understanding and denoted as god’s punishment due to the sin they caused. The individuals who faced this were subjected to social stigma and discrimination.

The 19th and early 20th centuries witnessed significant changes in the field of medicine, which improved the knowledge of psoriasis as an immune-mediated condition. However, the available treatments were very few and sometimes ineffective. These treatments ranged from basic superficial therapies peeling the skin with a knife to direct sunlight exposure.

Present Psoriasis

The understanding of psoriasis has increased among people. Research has shown that the immune system of a person plays a major role in the development of extra skin cells which leads to psoriasis. It is now known that lifestyle choices, environmental triggers, genetic factors, smoking, consumption of alcohol, skin infections and stress all have a part in bringing up psoriasis.

A Revolution in Psoriasis - xemsis

Technological advancement

Due to technological advancements in the field of medicine, the biological processes behind psoriasis have been identified and explained by researchers, which includes genetic testing and immunological tests. With greater knowledge at hand, customized medicines are now possible, providing more accurate and successful psoriasis treatment choices.

Historical treatments including direct exposure of the skin or applying homemade medicines were not very effective while modern medicine is such a relief to psoriatic sufferers. The choices that are now available include biological products, oral medicines, phototherapy, and cosmetic therapies. By concentrating specifically on immune system components that lead to psoriasis symptoms, doctors provide a unique treatment method.

Psychosocial Aspects

People are now aware of the psychosocial impacts of psoriasis. Awareness has been spreading and judgements have been reduced significantly, people started to come out and open up about psoriasis. Due to the spreading of psoriasis awareness, mental health services, and support groups, there is a development in the community which has become more accepting and understanding.


Research regarding psoriasis treatment will hopefully include more specialized and focused treatments in the future. This changing environment not only improves the lives of psoriasis sufferers but also highlights the understanding in the search for a higher standard of living. 

In the journey from historical misunderstandings to modern advancements in psoriasis care, Xemex stands out with its new product, Xemsis. Xemsis, a product created especially for psoriasis patients, offers quick relief and a cure in just seven days. This shows Xemex’s dedication to bettering the quality of life for psoriasis sufferers. The launch of Xemsis, which combines medical advancement with remedies, is a huge development. Xemex’s commitment to excellence indicates a brighter psoriasis-free future in which fast and effective medical care will be breaking the barriers.