Genital psoriasisCategoriespsoriasis type

Genital psoriasis

Understanding Genital Psoriasis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Genital psoriasis is an inflammatory auto-immune condition that causes smooth, flaky, and itchy patches on and around the genital areas that are painful. This condition ranges from mild to severe and is more difficult to manage than other forms of psoriasis, as genital areas are usually moist and sensitive. Genital psoriasis usually looks like a sexually transmitted disease or yeast infection and may affect the love life of the affected person. However, if you and your partner are comfortable, you can engage in sexual activities. It’s not contagious and can be managed effectively with proper treatments.


What is genital psoriasis?

Genital psoriasis, also called vulvar, vaginal, or penile psoriasis, is a type of psoriasis that affects the genital areas like the groin, penis, vulva, creases between buttocks, pubis, and thighs. This condition is difficult to manage, so it is essential to consult a doctor.

Who gets genital psoriasis?

Mostly, genital psoriasis affects people who already have other forms of psoriasis. But it can also affect people of any age who are without psoriasis. Research says that 63% of people suffering from psoriasis get genital psoriasis at least once in their lifetime.

Is genital psoriasis the same as chronic psoriasis?

Chronic psoriasis is a common form of psoriasis, such as plaque psoriasis, that occurs in the skin as thick and scaly patches in various regions. Genetic psoriasis is a location-specific condition that occurs particularly in genital areas as shiny, flaky, and smooth patches. However, genital psoriasis is a form of chronic psoriasis that is slightly different from it in symptoms and treatments.

What’s the difference between genital psoriasis and eczema?

Both eczema and genital psoriasis cause similar symptoms of reddish and itchy patches on the skin. Eczema is a common condition that can affect any region of the body, including the genitals. Genital psoriasis is a specific form of psoriasis that affects only the genital regions.    Genital psoriasis mostly affects people who are already suffering from other forms of psoriasis, but eczema in the genital regions is mainly caused by genetics, poor environmental factors, or other infections. In terms of symptoms, genital psoriasis causes milder itching with a heavy burning sensation. On the other hand, eczema in genital regions causes only itching that is heavy and may even result in bleeding. It is very hard to differentiate these similar conditions on your own. Only experienced doctors can differentiate it thoroughly.

Symptoms and Causes

Genital psoriasis symptoms

Symptoms of genital psoriasis include:
  • Thin, shiny, and smooth silvery scales in genital regions.
  • The color of the affected skin is usually pink or red.
  • The affected areas are cracked, causing itching, burning, and discomfort.
  • Depending on the affected areas of the genital region, the skin may either be moist or dry.
  • The silvery scales shed off as skin in genital areas rubs against each other when we move.
As some other conditions, like eczema and microbial infections, cause similar types of symptoms, it’s essential to consult a doctor to identify the condition.

Causes of genital psoriasis

The exact cause of genital psoriasis has not been proven yet. However, having a family history of psoriasis can be transferred through genetics. Firstly, the immune system malfunctions in the body, attacking its healthy cells rapidly instead of foreign particles. This results in the rapid production of new skin cells, which grow faster than normal. So the body can’t shed dead cells as quickly as new cells grow. This results in the accumulation of dead cells that settle on the surface of the skin instead of shedding. The buildup of dead skin cells causes inflammation and forms psoriasis. Other than this, a lot of other conditions trigger genital psoriasis, including:
  • Overgrowth of yeast
  • Skin injuries or microbial infections
  • Friction from certain types of clothing fabrics
  • Obesity
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Smoking 
  • Poor environmental factors
  • Stress and
  • Certain medications.

Is genital psoriasis contagious?

No. Genital psoriasis isn’t contagious. However, it may look similar to other skin conditions, like sexually transmitted diseases, eczema, yeast, or microbial infections. So it is essential to consult your doctor to identify the condition and get advice from him about your sexual health.  

Diagnosis and Tests

How is genital psoriasis diagnosed?

Doctors usually identify psoriasis by looking at the symptoms and medical history of your genetics. But as genital psoriasis looks similar to many other skin conditions, doctors may do a skin biopsy test to identify the condition exactly. 

Management and Treatment

How do you get rid of genital psoriasis?

As the skin around genital areas is very sensitive, the treatment is usually different from other forms of psoriasis. 
  • Topical Medicines: Doctors provide effective ointments like xemsis, lotions, gels, or corticosteroid creams that reduce the inflammation of patches.
  • Oral Drugs: If your symptoms are uncontrolled, doctors may provide medications like cyclosporine or infliximab. These medications may have complex dosages and side effects if taken over the long term. So doctors may recommend avoiding some food types. It’s crucial to follow their guidelines.
  • Injections: To relieve you from excess pain and itching, doctors may recommend biological treatments or injections such as cyclosporine or methotrexate. These drugs have high dosages, so the medications should be followed only under the supervision of professional doctors.  

How soon after treatment will I feel better?

Genital psoriasis is a long-lasting condition that has no proven cure. Following the medications regularly will reduce the severity of the symptoms. The severity of the condition, skin sensitivity, dosage of medications, and underlying medical conditions, if any, will determine the effectiveness of treatment. Also, it’s important to follow your doctor’s guidelines for avoiding certain things.


Can genital psoriasis be prevented?

There are no proven measures to prevent genital psoriasis. However, there are some ways to prevent new flare-ups.
  • Apply Xemsis regularly, as prescribed 
  • Maintaining a clean environment
  • Using mild and chemical-free soaps that are recommended by doctors
  • Moisturize your affected areas using pure coconut oil
  • Wearing loose-fit pants and underwear
  • Limiting shower times
  • Managing stress
  • Have a balanced diet with rich nutrients
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco products

Living With Genital Psoriasis

When should I see my doctor?

You should visit your doctor without fail if:
  • Your symptoms are getting worse day by day
  • You have severe pain and itching in the affected areas
  • You experience discomfort while using toilets or having sex
  • You are experiencing new medical conditions like nausea or fatigue.

What questions should I ask my doctor?

  • Ask about the potential triggers and risk factors associated with your condition
  • Ask about how you can manage your sexual activities. If you are comfortable, visit the doctor with your partner.
  • Ask how often you should take your medications
  • Ask about any possible side effects of your medications
  • Ask how you can change your lifestyle to treat your condition more effectively
  • Ask if there are any foods to be avoided
  • Ask about warning signs so that you can be cautious about your condition


Genital psoriasis is a long-lasting condition that affects the sensitive genital areas and impacts the quality of life. Treatments and medications work in stages to relieve you of the condition. You may feel low self-esteem and embarrassment in public places. However, consistency in following the doctor’s guidelines, following the preventive measures regularly, and keeping hope is the best option to overcome this psoriasis.


  1. National Library of Medicine: 
  2. National Psoriasis Foundation: 
  3. Medical News Today:
  4. Healthline:
  5. WebMD:
Penn Medicine:,so%20hard%20that%20it%20bleeds.%22
Picture of Rakhul Mathivanan
Rakhul Mathivanan

Rakhul Mathivanan, a writer and filmmaker, focuses on creating innovative and unique content through directing short films, writing scripts, blogs, articles, case studies, and website content. He loves to watch movies, read books, listen to music, and travel. He has also had expertise in the field of writing and filmmaking for over a year and works closely with Xemsis by providing them with well-researched blogs about psoriasis.

Erythrodermic PsoriasisCategoriespsoriasis type

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare but dangerous variant of psoriasis vulgaris that causes painful and itchy red, scaly patches to spread to larger areas of skin. The condition is chronic and inflammatory, which affects the body’s ability to control the temperature. If not treated properly, this condition can be life-threatening.


What is erythrodermic psoriasis?

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a harmful type of psoriasis that causes bright and burning plaques in various regions of the body. This condition also affects the immune system, which has a higher risk of developing other complications and risk factors like heart problems and pneumonia. 

The affected immune system alters the chemistry of the body and loses much-needed proteins and fluids from the body, which reduces the blood flow to the heart. If the heart doesn’t have enough blood to pump, it may fail the heart and kidney. It’s crucial to consult with doctors if you experience this condition.

How common is erythrodermic psoriasis?

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare type, affecting 2–3% of people with psoriasis. Also, 1 in 3 people with plaque psoriasis develop erythrodermic psoriasis. Most other forms of psoriasis are severe but not usually fatal. However, this erythrodermic psoriasis can get worse and be life-threatening if not treated properly. 

Symptoms and Causes

What are the causes of erythrodermic psoriasis?

The exact cause of erythrodermic psoriasis is not proven yet. Research is going on to find the exact cause of this condition. However, the chemical process behind the condition is that it causes the immune system to overreact, which leads to the rapid production of new skin cells. For a healthy person, the skin cells usually shed and grow every 30 days. But for people with erythrodermic psoriasis, these new skin cells grow rapidly in 3 to 4 days. 

The T-cells, which are responsible for attacking foreign particles in the body, malfunction and attack the healthy skin cells. As the process is very quick, the dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin instead of shedding. These accumulations affect the skin, causing inflamed patches on the skin. This erythrodermic psoriasis can also easily develop from plaque psoriasis if that is not treated properly.

Other conditions that trigger erythrodermic psoriasis include:

  • History of family genetics with psoriasis
  • Overdosage of certain medications
  • Any severe infections from microbes
  • Excess stress
  • Severe sunburn
  • HIV
  • Substance abuse. 

Symptoms of erythrodermic psoriasis

  • Itchy and scaly red patches spread to various areas of the body
  • Extreme dehydration and fatigue
  • Chills and fever
  • Excess pain and burnt-looking skin
  • Affected areas peel off the skin in large pieces
  • Joint pain
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Swelling in the lower legs and feet.

These symptoms may develop slowly or occur suddenly. Visit your doctor as soon as possible if you experience these kinds of symptoms during psoriasis.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is erythrodermic psoriasis diagnosed?

Initially, the doctor will examine your records, such as your family history, recent medications, the condition of your symptoms, your previous history of psoriasis, and infections. Then they may take a blood test to learn about your blood cells and electrolyte levels. Also, they do skin biopsy tests to confirm your condition and its severity. If erythrodermic psoriasis is confirmed, you may need to be admitted to the hospital for further treatment, as the condition is dangerous.

Management and Treatment

Erythrodermic psoriasis treatment

    • Topical Medicines: Doctors provide effective ointments like xemsis, lotions, or corticosteroid creams that soften your plaques and reduce inflammation.
    • Oral Drugs: If you have other complications with erythrodermic psoriasis, doctors may provide medications like NSAIDs, DMARDs, cyclosporine, acitretin, and etanercept that stop the immune system from attacking healthy cells and control new cell growth. These medications may have complex dosages and side effects. So doctors may recommend avoiding some food types. It’s crucial to follow their guidelines.
    • Injections: To relieve you from excess pain and itching, doctors may recommend biological treatments or injections with antibiotics and pain medications.
    • Stabilizing Treatments: If your physical condition is very ill with a huge loss of fluids and proteins, doctors may admit you to bed and inject IV fluids or electrolytes in your veins to make you stable.
    • People with HIV: Treating erythrodermic psoriasis in people with HIV is more complicated, as usual treatments will not be effective. So first, treatments like antiretroviral therapy may be given to people with HIV. 
    • Phototherapy: If your erythrodermic psoriasis symptoms are fatal, doctors may recommend this phototherapy treatment. This treatment involves the process of passing ultraviolet lasers to your affected areas. The process is complex and may have some side effects. 


Can you prevent erythrodermic psoriasis?

There are no proven measures to prevent erythrodermic psoriasis. However, there are some ways to prevent new flare-ups.

  • Apply Xemsis regularly, as prescribed 
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco products
  • Manage stress with meditation and yoga
  • Protect your skin from external injuries like cuts, burns, infections, or wounds
  • Keep in touch with your healthcare provider
  • Don’t abruptly stop previous medications or try new medications. 
  • Eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated
  • Protect yourself from harsh weather, be it summer or winter.


Erythrodermic psoriasis can be very challenging, affecting your physical strength and appearance. Treating this type of psoriasis involves many trials and errors. You will need to change your lifestyle and take medications for long periods of time, as they work in stages to relieve you of the condition. This condition can be life-threatening if it is not treated properly. So it’s crucial to follow your doctor’s guidelines and stay positive.


  1. WebMD: 
  2. National Library of Medicine:
  3. Healthline:
  4. Medical News Today:
  5. National Psoriasis Foundation:
  6. HIVinfo:
  7. Cleveland Clinic:
Picture of Rakhul Mathivanan
Rakhul Mathivanan

Rakhul Mathivanan, a writer and filmmaker, focuses on creating innovative and unique content through directing short films, writing scripts, blogs, articles, case studies, and website content. He loves to watch movies, read books, listen to music, and travel. He has also had expertise in the field of writing and filmmaking for over a year and works closely with Xemsis by providing them with well-researched blogs about psoriasis.

Pustular PsoriasisCategoriespsoriasis type

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis is a form of psoriasis that affects 3% of people living with other types of psoriasis. This pustular psoriasis is a chronic auto-immune condition that is considered a variant of psoriatic vulgaris and can occur in any part of the body, causing pus-filled bumps on the affected areas.


What is Pustular Psoriasis?

Pustular psoriasis is an autoimmune condition formed when the body’s immune system releases white blood cells that attack the body’s cells by mistake, judging them as foreign objects. The dead cells accumulate at the skin’s surface instead of shedding, forming scaly pus-filled bumps that cause pain and itching.

Pustular Psoriasis Symptoms

Pustular psoriasis causes widespread blisters, i.e., bumps, surrounded by red skin. It can occur in any part, but mostly in the hands and feet. The bumps usually occur in a particular part and rarely spread throughout the body. When it occurs in a particular part, like the hand, the severity is comparatively low compared to the spread. This condition can affect people of any age, but it mostly affects adults rather than children.

In this case, the bumps are usually:

  • Thick
  • Scaly
  • Flaky
  • Filled with pus
  • In yellow or white colors. 

The affected area may cause itching or mild pain in the area. 

However, if the bumps spread and cover large areas with severity, the condition is termed generalized pustular psoriasis. This case is rare but very serious. 

This condition causes: 

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Muscle weakness
  • Severe pain or itching
  • Fatigue
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Dehydration
  • Swelling of affected areas

Contact your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of these pustular psoriasis symptoms.

Causes of Pustular Psoriasis 

The exact cause of pustular psoriasis has not been proven yet. But many conditions trigger it. The trigger makes the immune system attack the body’s cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin as bumps and blisters, which are the initial cause of pustular psoriasis. Developing this type of psoriasis from other forms, like plaque psoriasis, is very rare. These symptoms are not caused by any bacteria or fungus, so they are not contagious.

Other conditions that can trigger the growth of pustular psoriasis are:

  • High-dosage medications
  • Overexposure to UV rays from the sun
  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Allergic reactions 
  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • Genetics
  • Poor environmental factors.

In very rare cases, when genes named IL36RN and CARD14 get mutated, it may result in flare-ups and the development of pustular psoriasis.  

Pustular Psoriasis Images

How to Cure Pustular Psoriasis

While pustular psoriasis is chronic and there is no proven cure, some medications, treatments, and self-care are recommended by doctors to get relief from the condition and reduce the formation of flare-ups. Initially, the doctor may examine your condition thoroughly and take your blood samples for testing to understand the severity of your condition.

The doctors then prescribe solutions according to the severity of your pustular psoriasis symptoms, which include:

    • Topical Medicines: Doctors provide effective ointments like Xemsis that soften your plaques and reduce inflammation. It is formulated with 100% pure natural ingredients and has no side effects.
  • Oral Drugs: If your symptoms are a little severe, doctors may provide medications containing cyclosporine, methotrexate, or acitretin that have vitamin A and other ingredients to calm down your psoriatic flare-ups. These medications may have complex dosages and side effects. So doctors may recommend avoiding some food types. It’s crucial to follow their guidelines.
  • Phototherapy: If your pustular psoriasis symptoms are very severe and spread to larger areas, doctors may recommend this phototherapy treatment. This treatment involves the process of passing ultraviolet lasers to your affected areas. The process is complex and may have some side effects. It is recommended only for severe cases of pustular psoriasis. 

There are also some preventive measures to reduce irritation and prevent new flare-ups:

  • Stress: Stress worsens the symptoms of psoriasis, and it is essential to manage it.
  • External Injury: New psoriatic flare-ups may arise in psoriatic patients even with mild external injuries, like a cut during a shave. So it’s important to stay safe from these kinds of injuries.
  • Alcohol and Smoking: Consuming alcohol and smoking tobacco products slows down the effectiveness of psoriatic medications. It’s best to avoid these things if you are affected by psoriasis.
  • Quick Showers: Taking a shower for a long time causes psoriatic inflammation to further worsen. So it is recommended to take a bath quickly, in 10–15 minutes.
  • Stay Hygienic: Pollution, dirt, and micro-organisms further trigger the symptoms of psoriasis. So it’s best to stay hygienic by washing hands often, maintaining a clean living environment, and staying as clean as possible.
  • Moisturize: Use doctor-prescribed moisturizers regularly to improve dryness and irritation caused by psoriatic flare-ups and help smooth the skin.

Types of Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis occurs in various forms in terms of severity and blister breakouts. Each type needs different types of treatment and care.

  • Generalized: Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare and serious form of psoriasis. In this condition, the blisters break out severely, causing extreme redness, pain, itching, and swelling. The symptoms spread to a large area of the body with the rapid popping of pus-filled blisters. It also causes fatigue, chills, fever, nausea, headaches, joint pain, weight loss, weakened muscles, or an increased heart rate. It is recommended to consult with a doctor as soon as possible if any of these symptoms occur.
  • Localized: This form of psoriasis occurs only in particular parts, usually the hands and feet. Its severity is less compared to the generalized and occurs in two types, namely palmoplantar and acrodermatitis.
  1. Palmoplantar psoriasis (PPP): This type of localized psoriasis causes blisters in the palms and soles of the feet. The bumps may turn brown and peel off. Most commonly, this type affects the base of the thumb and the side of the heel. It usually goes away and comes back by itself.
  2. Acrodermatitis Continua of Hallopeau (ACH): This type of localized psoriasis causes minor yet painful blisters in the tips of fingers and toes, mostly in nails. Affected fingers or toes may experience difficulty moving and using them.


Treatments and medications for less severe pustular psoriasis may take a couple of weeks to several months to cure, according to the condition and body type. The treatments for this type of psoriasis usually work in stages to clear the blisters. However, if the condition is severe, it may last longer despite medications causing irritation, frustration, and low self-esteem. Consistency in following the doctor’s guidelines and keeping hope is the best option to overcome psoriasis.

Xemsis is an ointment formulated with effective natural ingredients after many years of research. It is prescribed by many dermatologists for skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis. Get relief from psoriatic symptoms today with Xemsis.


  1. WebMD: 
  2. National Psoriasis Foundation: 
  3. National Library of Medicine:,a%20variant%20of%20psoriasis%20vulgaris 
  4. Cleveland Clinic:
Picture of Rakhul Mathivanan
Rakhul Mathivanan

Rakhul Mathivanan, a writer and filmmaker, focuses on creating innovative and unique content through directing short films, writing scripts, blogs, articles, case studies, and website content. He loves to watch movies, read books, listen to music, and travel. He has also had expertise in the field of writing and filmmaking for over a year and works closely with Xemsis by providing them with well-researched blogs about psoriasis.

Guttate PsoriasisCategoriespsoriasis type

Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that causes several drop-like red lesions on any part of the body. The word ‘Gutta’ is derived from a Latin word that means ‘Drops’. This guttate psoriasis usually shows its first signs as a streptococcal infection in the throat, such as soreness and strep throat. This type of psoriasis can affect people of any age, is usually not contagious, and is not as severe as other types of psoriasis. Also, this type is not common and affects only 8% of people who are living with psoriasis.


What is guttate psoriasis?

Like other types of psoriasis, guttate psoriasis is also an autoimmune condition caused when the body’s immune system attacks its own cells, mistaking them for foreign particles. Usually, this type of psoriasis goes away on its own. But in some cases, it may cause several flare-ups and become chronic. So it’s essential to contact your doctor if you experience this condition.

Who gets guttate psoriasis?

Guttate psoriasis mostly affects children and young adults aged 30 or younger. But it doesn’t mean others won’t get it. It can sometimes affect older people too. Gender or race is not a barrier for this type of psoriasis to spread.

Is guttate psoriasis the same as chronic psoriasis?

In most cases, guttate psoriasis is not chronic and goes away on its own, leaving no scars. But it is recommended that you visit your doctor if you have this condition. In some cases, this type of infection may cause several flare-ups and inflammation, developing into chronic psoriasis. 

Symptoms and Causes


  • Guttate psoriasis usually causes tear-drop-shaped pink or red patches in the skin and can spread to any part of the body.
  • The affected parts experience itching throughout the area.
  • The patches are not as thick as in other types of psoriasis but may be covered with silvery and flaky scales.
  • These guttate psoriasis symptoms are not severe, and in rare cases, they may develop into other forms of severe psoriasis.

Does guttate psoriasis happen in stages?

Guttate psoriasis usually doesn’t progress in stages and will develop anytime after a bacterial infection, mostly with streptococcal infection. Firstly, the infection causes soreness or strep in the throat. Then it will develop into teardrop-shaped patches. The symptoms are usually not serious, but in rare cases, they may become severe with inflammation.


  • Genes: Psoriasis is strongly associated with genes that can be transmitted by the genetics of family members with a history of psoriatic symptoms.
  • Bacterial Infections: Any type of bacterial infection can develop guttate psoriasis. However, bacteria named streptococci are the main culprits that develop this type of psoriasis. 
  • Triggers: Other than these, factors like sinusitis, flu, tonsillitis, stress, external wounds and burns, and certain medications can trigger this type of psoriasis.

Is guttate psoriasis contagious?

Contagion factors in this type of psoriasis are a little complicated. All types of psoriasis are non-contagious, but the bacterial infection from which guttate psoriasis develops is contagious. In simple words, the red patches caused by this type of psoriasis are non-contagious, but the bacterial infection that causes sores and strep throat is contagious.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is guttate psoriasis diagnosed?

  • Skin Biopsy: In this procedure, the doctor will remove a small piece of your affected skin in the lab and test it with a microscope. This process is to identify how severe the condition is and if there are any other complications, like skin cancer or eczema. This procedure is recommended only if there is excess itching or burning from guttate psoriasis.
  • Throat Swab Culture: In this laboratory process, the doctor will make the patient open the mouth as wide as possible, press down the tongue with a depressor, and place a special cup called culture around the tonsils of the throat to collect the samples. Then the samples are tested with a microscope to determine the severity of guttate psoriasis.
  • Blood Test: Your doctor may take your blood sample to test for recent bacterial and fungal infections that have affected your body.

Management and Treatment

How is guttate psoriasis treated?

Usually, guttate psoriasis is found in three stages:

  • Mild: A few spots that are spread on the skin. This mild case doesn’t need any special treatment and will go away by itself.
  • Moderate: The spots cover some extended areas of the skin. This condition won’t need laboratory treatments and can be treated with ointments and creams.
  • Severe: The spots are spread to larger areas of skin or the entire body. In these cases, specialized laboratory treatments will be recommended by the doctor. 

The treatments for guttate psoriasis include:

  • Xemsis: Formulated with the purest natural ingredients, this ointment can be effective for all types of skin conditions without any side effects.
  • Emollients: Doctors may provide moisturizers, creams, soaps, or lotions that have coal tar, Vitamin D, and anti-inflammatory properties for mild conditions.
  • Medications: Doctors may prescribe oral drugs with vitamin A, biological medications, or immunosuppressive drugs for more widespread spots that cause excess itching or burning.
  • Phototherapy: If guttate psoriasis is very severe with excess inflammation and turning into chronic psoriasis, doctors may provide ultraviolet laser therapy. The therapy is effective but has some side effects. Doctors prescribe it only for severe cases of psoriasis.


Can guttate psoriasis be prevented?

Unfortunately, there are no proven measures to prevent guttate psoriasis. As it is caused by a bacterial infection, there are some common measures to prevent bacterial and viral infections.

  • Wash your hands often with sanitizer to prevent the spread of microorganisms.
  • Eat a healthy diet with more vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteins that support your immune system.
  • Engage in physical activities like yoga and exercise regularly to boost your immunity.
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep in a scheduled manner to maintain proper body function.
  • Try to reduce your stress by involving yourself in meditation or other relaxation techniques. Excess stress can trigger multiple problems in your body.
  • Avoid consuming excess alcohol and tobacco products.


Guttate psoriasis usually isn’t as dangerous as other types of psoriasis and will mostly go away on its own. Only in rare cases does this type of psoriasis develop into other serious forms of psoriasis. With proper health care and lifestyle, we can escape any type of infection from microbes. Xemsis is formulated to provide effective relief for all forms of psoriasis and skin infections. Together, we can beat psoriasis out of this world.

Picture of Rakhul Mathivanan
Rakhul Mathivanan

Rakhul Mathivanan, a writer and filmmaker, focuses on creating innovative and unique content through directing short films, writing scripts, blogs, articles, case studies, and website content. He loves to watch movies, read books, listen to music, and travel. He has also had expertise in the field of writing and filmmaking for over a year and works closely with Xemsis by providing them with well-researched blogs about psoriasis.

Psoriatic ArthritisCategoriespsoriasis type

Psoriatic Arthritis?

What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic skin condition that causes psoriasis-related arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that causes swelling and distress in one or more joints. In the case of psoriatic arthritis, the joints that are in distress will be further affected by inflammation with silvery scales. 


Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is caused by a person’s immune system accidentally attacking the body’s healthy cells instead of attacking foreign cells. This results in an overproduction of cells that causes inflammation in joints and swelling in the outer skin.  These conditions occur mainly through the genetics of the psoriatic family history or poor environmental factors such as viruses and bacteria. People with other forms of psoriasis have a higher risk of developing psoriatic arthritis. 


Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joint of the body, causing mild to severe pain, inflammation, and swelling. These symptoms will become severe if left untreated. Additionally, the flare-up would occur and go away for periods. Other common symptoms are:
  • Swollen Toes and Fingers: Psoriatic arthritis can cause severe pain in the toes and fingers by causing inflammation. 
  • Changes in Nail: It can cause allergic reactions and discoloration in nails where the nail may crumble and separate from the nail bed.
  • Allergies in the Eyes: It may cause inflammation in the eyes that causes eye pain, redness, and blurry vision. 
  • Fatigue: All types of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis cause tiredness and a loss of energy in the affected people.
  • Joint pain: This is the most common cause of psoriatic arthritis. Any number of joints in any part of the body can be affected by swelling, inflammation, and pain.
  • Rashes: The exterior skin of joints that are inflamed by psoriatic arthritis will get affected by psoriatic rashes with silver or gray patches.

Types of Psoriatic Arthritis

  • Distal interphalangeal predominant: This type of psoriatic arthritis affects the phalanges, that is, the bones of fingers and toes. It also spreads to the nails, resulting in discoloration and swelling.
  • Symmetric polyarthritis: This is a common type of arthritis that affects both sides of the same joint in the body, like both elbows and knees.
  • Asymmetric oligoarticular: This is another common type of arthritis that affects both sides of the different joints in the body, like one elbow and one knee.
  • Spondylitis: There are 33 bones present in the spine, which are called vertebra. This spondylitis type of arthritis affects the joints of this vertebra, causing inflammation and back pain.
  • Arthritis mutilans: This is a rare type of arthritis that causes severe corrosion and inflammation in the bones of the hands and feet. This process of infection is medically termed osteolysis

Risks and Complications

Psoriatic arthritis can affect people of all ages, but mostly it affects adults aged 30 or older. However, people who have other types of psoriasis have a higher chance of developing psoriatic arthritis.  Other complications:

Diagnosis and Treatment

There is no cure for psoriatic arthritis as of now. However, your doctor will diagnose the severity of the symptom through scans and provide either medicinal drugs or treatment suitable for your condition.  Your doctor may treat your symptoms with:


There is no proven way to prevent psoriatic arthritis. But there are ways to reduce the severity of its symptoms.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Maintain a proper diet with many fruits and vegetables.
  • Follow physical activities like swimming, exercise, and yoga regularly.
  • Stay positive and avoid unnecessary stress and tension. Meditation helps effectively in avoiding negative thoughts and stress.
  • Protect yourself from physical injuries.
  • Monitor your health regularly.
  • Keep in touch with your healthcare provider, and take the prescribed medications and ointments consistently.
  • Get enough sleep.


As psoriatic arthritis is a chronic condition, it can’t be cured in the short term. Keep hope, follow your doctors, and live a calm and composed life. We, Xemex, produce effective treatments for all types of psoriasis with Xemsis ointment that shows desired changes within some days of usage.
Picture of Rakhul Mathivanan
Rakhul Mathivanan

Rakhul Mathivanan, a writer and filmmaker, focuses on creating innovative and unique content through directing short films, writing scripts, blogs, articles, case studies, and website content. He loves to watch movies, read books, listen to music, and travel. He has also had expertise in the field of writing and filmmaking for over a year and works closely with Xemsis by providing them with well-researched blogs about psoriasis.

scalp psoriasisCategoriespsoriasis type

Scalp Psoriasis

What is scalp psoriasis and why does it happen?

Scalp psoriasis is an irritating chronic disease caused by the autoimmune system of the body that penetrates the rapid production of skin cells that settle on the scalp as dandruff-like thick silver patches and spread further to the forehead, back of the head, and skin around the ears. This condition causes dryness, excess itching, burning sensations, and bleeding on the scalp. Though many people keep psoriasis-affected patients away from them, it is not contagious and will not spread from contact with the affected people.

What causes scalp psoriasis?

The exact cause of scalp psoriasis is not proven yet. Research says that it may be caused by improper functioning of the immune system, where normal cells get destroyed rapidly and settle as a patch on the scalp. Though many events trigger the growth of scalp psoriasis, genetics is the main reason why it transfers genetically from family members. 

Other events that trigger psoriasis include:

  • Exposure to the sun
  • Stress
  • Excess alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Some types of infections and allergies
  • Certain medications. 

The symptoms of scalp psoriasis are:

  • Hair loss
  • Whitish scale
  • Dryness
  • Itching
  • Burning sensation 

Does scalp psoriasis cause hair loss?

Hair loss is common in people with scalp psoriasis. However, it is not caused directly by psoriasis, as there will be excessive itching and rubbing of the scalp by the patient, which triggers the scalp and hair. This hair loss is not permanent, and you will get proper growth once psoriasis is cured.

How to treat scalp psoriasis at home

  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has excellent hair and skin healing properties. Using aloe vera creams can help with excessive itching and cure the inflammation caused by psoriasis in the scalp. Apply the cream regularly to see positive results.


  • Coconut Oil: This thing can never be left out of the list of home remedies for skin and hair. Coconut oil has rich fats that help with any kind of skin and hair problem. The oil is also added to many topical psoriasis treatments, which can help soothe irritation and soften the thick patches.


  • Medicated Shampoo: There are many medicated shampoos designed specially to treat scalp psoriasis. It contains many effective ingredients, like coal tar, that help reduce itching and get rid of the whitish scale caused by scalp psoriasis. However, it is recommended to use it as directed on the cover.


  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal has great properties to treat dry plaques and soothe irritated skin. Mix oatmeal with water and rinse the head during the bath, ensuring the scalp gets thoroughly soaked. Follow the process regularly for a better result.


  • Yogurt: Yoghurt contains probiotics and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in treating itching and inflammation from scalp psoriasis. Apply plain, unsweetened yogurt to the scalp and rinse it in water after 30 minutes. 

 Results from these home remedies may differ from person to person, and it’s always best to consult a dermatologist and follow their guide.

How to cure scalp psoriasis permanently

Scalp psoriasis can’t be cured immediately and will take its own time. However, consistency in following the dermatologist’s guidance and patience are the keys to permanently overcoming this disrupting condition.

What is the best treatment for psoriasis of the scalp?

 Treatments for Scalp Psoriasis:

  • Phototherapy: This treatment is supervised carefully by dermatologists, who make affected areas of the patients exposed to an ultraviolet laser. This treatment is mostly preferred for scalp psoriasis, with higher success rates.
  • Ointments: Dermatologists prescribe various ointments with effective ingredients of coal tar, salicylic acid, and vitamin C analogs to treat scalp psoriasis.

How Xemsis helps to cure your scalp psoriasis 

 Xemsis: Well researched and formulated with many natural ingredients, Xemsis is a specially designed ointment for all types of psoriasis with rich moisturizing properties and is the leading ointment prescribed by many dermatologists to protect the skin and cure scalp psoriasis.

Understanding Psoriasis and its TypesCategoriespsoriasis type

Types of psoriasis disease, symptoms

Around the world, millions of people suffer from psoriasis, a skin disorder. It is essential to know about the various forms of psoriasis and what causes them. Let us go over the different types, symptoms, and effects of psoriasis, as well as how it affects everyday life, in this blog.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune skin condition that makes skin cell growth excessive, which leads to the formation of thick layers and red areas covered with white scales. These patches, known as plaques, can appear anywhere on the body but are most common on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. Psoriasis is not contagious and does not spread.

Types of psoriasis

1. Plaque Psoriasis

About 80% of cases of psoriasis are of this type, which is the most common. It looks like raised red patches with silvery-white scales covering them. These patches, which frequently appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, can be painful and itchy.

2. Guttate Psoriasis

 Little red, scaly spots that look like drops of water are a sign of guttate psoriasis, which typically first appears in childhood or early adulthood. The scalp, arms, legs, and body can all develop these types of psoriasis. Similar to throat infections, bacterial infections can occasionally cause guttate psoriasis.

3. Inverse Psoriasis

The areas most commonly affected by inverse psoriasis are the skin folds under the arms, under the breasts, and on the abdomen. It appears as red, smooth patches of skin that may become irritated from sweating and rubbing. The sensitive areas where inverse psoriasis occurs can make it extremely uncomfortable.

4. Pustular Psoriasis

The main symptom of this type of psoriasis is the development of bumps, which are pus-filled wounds covered in red, inflammatory skin. There are two types of pustular psoriasis: localized and generalized, which affect different body parts.

5. Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare but severe form of psoriasis that typically causes severe pain, burning, and itching in addition to typical skin redness and scaling. It could affect the body’s capacity to regulate body temperature and fluid balance, which could lead to issues like dehydration and infection.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

The symptoms of psoriasis vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. Common symptoms include:

  1. Red, raised patches of skin covered with silvery-white scales 
  2. Itching or  burning in affected areas
  3. Dry, cracked skin  
  4. Thickened, pitted, or ridged nails
  5. Stiff and swollen joints 

Impact on Daily Life

Psoriasis can significantly affect day-to-day functioning, both physically and emotionally. Psoriasis comes with two symptom scales and plaques that make a person more self-conscious and feel ashamed, which can lower their quality of life and cause them to stay inactive socially. Additionally, the itching, pain, and discomfort associated with psoriasis can interfere with sleep, work, and activities of daily living.

Managing Psoriasis with Xemsis Ointment

Xemsis ointment is a topical treatment designed to help manage psoriasis symptoms. Its unique formula contains all-natural ingredients that soothe inflammation, reduce itching, and promote the healing of the skin in just 7 days. It prevents skin growth and helps reduce scaling and itching. After using this ointment, many users report significant improvements in their psoriasis symptoms. With Xemsis , you can unhide your psoriasis and restore normal skin faster in just 7 days. 

In Conclusion

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that results in plaques—red, scaly patches on the skin. Psoriasis comes in various forms, each with unique types and signs. While psoriasis can impact daily life and quality of life, effective treatments like Xemsis ointment are available to help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. It is important to know the type and stay cautious about psoriasis.

If you suspect you have psoriasis or are experiencing symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. With proper care and management, individuals with psoriasis can lead fulfilling and productive lives.