Nail PsoriasisCategoriesNail Psoriasis

Nail Psoriasis?

What is Nail Psoriasis?

Nail psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the skin cells to reproduce more quickly than usual, which makes the dead skin cells gather under the surface of the nails instead of shedding. This results in inflammation and rashes around the finger and toenails, which is called nail psoriasis. This condition is non-contagious and won’t get transferred from physical contact with the affected person.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Discoloration – The skin underneath the nails will have a change in color that looks like patches of brown, yellow, red, or white.
  • Pitting – The nail may develop a dent, hole, roughness, or pit affected by nail psoriasis. This can be shallow or deep, small or large, and can affect multiple nails on fingers and toes. 
  • Changes in Structure – The nail may crumble and change from its original size due to nail psoriasis. Also, the skin underneath the tip of the nails will develop a cut and will slowly separate from the fingers or toes. 
  • Discomfort – Leaving the nail psoriasis untreated will cause blood leakage under the nails that may result in tenderness, and pain and affect the ability to stand, walk, or use the affected fingers and toes.

Who gets Nail Psoriasis?

  • Research says that people over the age of 40 have a higher chance of getting nail psoriasis compared to younger people. 
  • People with a history of psoriasis in family have high chance of getting nail psoriasis
  • A study says that people with other types of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis have a 90% chance of developing nail psoriasis. 
    Globally, 5 – 10% of adults who don’t have any other psoriatic symptoms are affected by nail psoriasis. 

Causes of Nail Psoriasis

The exact cause of nail psoriasis has not been proven yet. However, doctors believe that family history and genetics play a role in the development of this condition. Though there is no proper evidence for its cause, nail psoriasis is often triggered by many factors, such as environmental conditions, stress, infections in nails, and certain medications.

Home Remedies and Prevention

As nail psoriasis is a chronic condition, it won’t go away very easily. Let’s look at some of the home remedies and preventive measures to treat this condition.


  • Aloe Vera – It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help get rid of nail psoriasis symptoms. Apply the aloe vera gel to the affected areas of the nails before bed and rinse thoroughly in the morning.
  • Turmeric – It has great anti-fungal properties that may help treat the symptoms of nail psoriasis. Make a paste by adding water to the turmeric powder and apply it several times a day to get positive results.
  • Coconut oil – It has good moisturizing properties that may relieve excess itching caused by psoriasis. Apply it on a regulyar basis to the affected areas to relieve itching effectively.


  • Wash your hands often with soap or sanitizer to prevent other dirt and bacteria from entering the affected areas.
  • Keep the affected areas moisturized to avoid dryness
  • Keep all the nails trimmed and cut the hangnail caused by psoriasis
  • Make sure your affected areas of nails are kept safe during driving, playing, and other activities.
  • The affected areas will be itchy. But avoid scratching, as it may worsen the condition.

When Should I See a Doctor?

Consult your doctor immediately:

  • If you keep on developing new symptoms of nail psoriasis around the nails of fingers and toes,
  • If your symptoms don’t improve after home remedies and pharmacy products,  
  • If your symptoms are getting worse with irritability, swelling, or bleeding.


Firstly, the doctor examines your condition. They’ll also ask about the severity of the symptoms and family history of psoriasis, if any. If the symptoms are mild, doctors may prescribe some medications or oral medicines. But if the symptoms are worse, they may provide treatments in the hospital that include:
  • Removing the Nail – If the whole part of the nail is affected by swelling, doctors may remove the nail using surgery. When it grows back, the nail will still have an unusual appearance
  •  Laser or Light Therapy – Doctors may do Laser or Light therapy to treat the nail psoriasis with worse conditions.
  • Injections – In more severe cases of nail psoriasis, doctors may inject thin needles with medicines directly into the affected areas around the nails.
In this case, xemsis ointment can effectively treat nail psoriasis, providing relief instantly after usage.
Nail psoriasis is a challenging condition that creates discomfort and embarrassment in public. You may also try to hide the symptoms by applying nail polish. But hiding is never a solution. As the condition is chronic, hope and consistency in following the guidance of doctors are important.
Picture of Rakhul Mathivanan
Rakhul Mathivanan

Rakhul Mathivanan, a writer and filmmaker, focuses on creating innovative and unique content through directing short films, writing scripts, blogs, articles, case studies, and website content. He loves to watch movies, read books, listen to music, and travel. He has also had expertise in the field of writing and filmmaking for over a year and works closely with Xemsis by providing them with well-researched blogs about psoriasis.

scalp psoriasisCategoriespsoriasis type

Scalp Psoriasis

What is scalp psoriasis and why does it happen?

Scalp psoriasis is an irritating chronic disease caused by the autoimmune system of the body that penetrates the rapid production of skin cells that settle on the scalp as dandruff-like thick silver patches and spread further to the forehead, back of the head, and skin around the ears. This condition causes dryness, excess itching, burning sensations, and bleeding on the scalp. Though many people keep psoriasis-affected patients away from them, it is not contagious and will not spread from contact with the affected people.

What causes scalp psoriasis?

The exact cause of scalp psoriasis is not proven yet. Research says that it may be caused by improper functioning of the immune system, where normal cells get destroyed rapidly and settle as a patch on the scalp. Though many events trigger the growth of scalp psoriasis, genetics is the main reason why it transfers genetically from family members. 

Other events that trigger psoriasis include:

  • Exposure to the sun
  • Stress
  • Excess alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Some types of infections and allergies
  • Certain medications. 

The symptoms of scalp psoriasis are:

  • Hair loss
  • Whitish scale
  • Dryness
  • Itching
  • Burning sensation 

Does scalp psoriasis cause hair loss?

Hair loss is common in people with scalp psoriasis. However, it is not caused directly by psoriasis, as there will be excessive itching and rubbing of the scalp by the patient, which triggers the scalp and hair. This hair loss is not permanent, and you will get proper growth once psoriasis is cured.

How to treat scalp psoriasis at home

  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has excellent hair and skin healing properties. Using aloe vera creams can help with excessive itching and cure the inflammation caused by psoriasis in the scalp. Apply the cream regularly to see positive results.


  • Coconut Oil: This thing can never be left out of the list of home remedies for skin and hair. Coconut oil has rich fats that help with any kind of skin and hair problem. The oil is also added to many topical psoriasis treatments, which can help soothe irritation and soften the thick patches.


  • Medicated Shampoo: There are many medicated shampoos designed specially to treat scalp psoriasis. It contains many effective ingredients, like coal tar, that help reduce itching and get rid of the whitish scale caused by scalp psoriasis. However, it is recommended to use it as directed on the cover.


  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal has great properties to treat dry plaques and soothe irritated skin. Mix oatmeal with water and rinse the head during the bath, ensuring the scalp gets thoroughly soaked. Follow the process regularly for a better result.


  • Yogurt: Yoghurt contains probiotics and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in treating itching and inflammation from scalp psoriasis. Apply plain, unsweetened yogurt to the scalp and rinse it in water after 30 minutes. 

 Results from these home remedies may differ from person to person, and it’s always best to consult a dermatologist and follow their guide.

How to cure scalp psoriasis permanently

Scalp psoriasis can’t be cured immediately and will take its own time. However, consistency in following the dermatologist’s guidance and patience are the keys to permanently overcoming this disrupting condition.

What is the best treatment for psoriasis of the scalp?

 Treatments for Scalp Psoriasis:

  • Phototherapy: This treatment is supervised carefully by dermatologists, who make affected areas of the patients exposed to an ultraviolet laser. This treatment is mostly preferred for scalp psoriasis, with higher success rates.
  • Ointments: Dermatologists prescribe various ointments with effective ingredients of coal tar, salicylic acid, and vitamin C analogs to treat scalp psoriasis.

How Xemsis helps to cure your scalp psoriasis 

 Xemsis: Well researched and formulated with many natural ingredients, Xemsis is a specially designed ointment for all types of psoriasis with rich moisturizing properties and is the leading ointment prescribed by many dermatologists to protect the skin and cure scalp psoriasis.

Understanding Psoriasis and its TypesCategoriespsoriasis type

Types of psoriasis disease, symptoms

Around the world, millions of people suffer from psoriasis, a skin disorder. It is essential to know about the various forms of psoriasis and what causes them. Let us go over the different types, symptoms, and effects of psoriasis, as well as how it affects everyday life, in this blog.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune skin condition that makes skin cell growth excessive, which leads to the formation of thick layers and red areas covered with white scales. These patches, known as plaques, can appear anywhere on the body but are most common on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. Psoriasis is not contagious and does not spread.

Types of psoriasis

1. Plaque Psoriasis

About 80% of cases of psoriasis are of this type, which is the most common. It looks like raised red patches with silvery-white scales covering them. These patches, which frequently appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, can be painful and itchy.

2. Guttate Psoriasis

 Little red, scaly spots that look like drops of water are a sign of guttate psoriasis, which typically first appears in childhood or early adulthood. The scalp, arms, legs, and body can all develop these types of psoriasis. Similar to throat infections, bacterial infections can occasionally cause guttate psoriasis.

3. Inverse Psoriasis

The areas most commonly affected by inverse psoriasis are the skin folds under the arms, under the breasts, and on the abdomen. It appears as red, smooth patches of skin that may become irritated from sweating and rubbing. The sensitive areas where inverse psoriasis occurs can make it extremely uncomfortable.

4. Pustular Psoriasis

The main symptom of this type of psoriasis is the development of bumps, which are pus-filled wounds covered in red, inflammatory skin. There are two types of pustular psoriasis: localized and generalized, which affect different body parts.

5. Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare but severe form of psoriasis that typically causes severe pain, burning, and itching in addition to typical skin redness and scaling. It could affect the body’s capacity to regulate body temperature and fluid balance, which could lead to issues like dehydration and infection.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

The symptoms of psoriasis vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. Common symptoms include:

  1. Red, raised patches of skin covered with silvery-white scales 
  2. Itching or  burning in affected areas
  3. Dry, cracked skin  
  4. Thickened, pitted, or ridged nails
  5. Stiff and swollen joints 

Impact on Daily Life

Psoriasis can significantly affect day-to-day functioning, both physically and emotionally. Psoriasis comes with two symptom scales and plaques that make a person more self-conscious and feel ashamed, which can lower their quality of life and cause them to stay inactive socially. Additionally, the itching, pain, and discomfort associated with psoriasis can interfere with sleep, work, and activities of daily living.

Managing Psoriasis with Xemsis Ointment

Xemsis ointment is a topical treatment designed to help manage psoriasis symptoms. Its unique formula contains all-natural ingredients that soothe inflammation, reduce itching, and promote the healing of the skin in just 7 days. It prevents skin growth and helps reduce scaling and itching. After using this ointment, many users report significant improvements in their psoriasis symptoms. With Xemsis , you can unhide your psoriasis and restore normal skin faster in just 7 days. 

In Conclusion

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that results in plaques—red, scaly patches on the skin. Psoriasis comes in various forms, each with unique types and signs. While psoriasis can impact daily life and quality of life, effective treatments like Xemsis ointment are available to help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. It is important to know the type and stay cautious about psoriasis.

If you suspect you have psoriasis or are experiencing symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. With proper care and management, individuals with psoriasis can lead fulfilling and productive lives.

Decoding Psoriasis: Revealing the Causes and Triggers | Psoriasis Insights & Solutions | XEMSISCategoriesPsoriasis Treatment

Decoding Psoriasis: Revealing the Causes and Triggers


Psoriasis is difficult to live with. The secret of managing psoriasis lies in identifying the triggers and understanding the root cause. Psoriasis can occur due to different causes and types, which may vary from person to person. In this blog, let us look into the issues of psoriasis and the causes and triggers that provoke the psoriasis skin disorder. By analysing these factors, this blog encourages people to take charge of their psoriasis condition and start a journey towards healthy skin.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disease that causes extra cell growth which leads to the formation of red, scaly patches that can be both physically uncomfortable and emotionally distressing for an individual. There are a lot of reasons that cause psoriasis from environmental to genetic conditions. Let us see more of that.

Causes of Psoriasis

Causes of Psoriasis

1. Genetic Cause

For some people, genetic causes can be one of the main causes of psoriasis. A person is more likely to get psoriasis due to your blood relatives who have it. Family members with psoriasis history have a high risk of developing this skin disease. It is advised to check with a doctor if your family member is affected by psoriasis. 

2. Immune System

The immune system plays a huge role in psoriasis. Psoriasis happens when the immune system gets too active and attacks healthy skin cells. This causes redness and rapid skin cell growth. Understanding this helps in finding the right treatments to soothe the skin for those dealing with psoriasis. 

3. Environmental and Other Factors

Environmental factors also play an important role in the development of psoriasis like genetics. Additional factors, like infections, stress, and medications, can also trigger psoriasis when it occurs. Throat infections can be a starting point of psoriasis, and stress will make it worse. It is important to know about these environmental factors to manage psoriasis. This helps individuals make lifestyle choices and work with their doctors to create personalized plans for treatment and relief.

Triggers of Psoriasis

1. Stress

Psoriasis and stress are associated with each other. Stress is a major trigger for psoriasis and worsens it, raising itching and redness. Practising stress-management techniques such as mindfulness or yoga can be beneficial in managing psoriasis.

2. Infections

Psoriasis also appears due to infections.  Protecting self from infection is essential for managing psoriasis. You can maintain your health by getting help from doctors for both the infection and psoriasis. To minimize the impact on psoriasis, it is essential to understand and handle infections.

3. Skin Injuries

Physical injuries trigger and make psoriasis symptoms worse. When your skin gets hurt, psoriasis might appear there. Cuts or burns could make psoriasis worse in that spot. So, being careful and avoiding injuries is important for those dealing with psoriasis. It helps keep the skin healthy and reduces the chances of having more skin troubles.

4. Certain Medications

Sometimes, certain medicines that make psoriasis show up such as lithium, antimalarial drugs, and beta-blockers, have been identified as potential triggers for psoriasis. If you see changes while taking medications, consult a physician.

5. Weather Conditions

The chance of psoriasis flare-ups is often related to cold, dry conditions. When there is insufficient humidity, it might worsen the symptoms of dry skin. During these situations, moisturising is an essential part of proper skin care practices.


Understanding the causes and triggers of psoriasis is a crucial first step in managing the condition. Stress, infections, skin injuries, medications, and weather conditions can cause psoriasis. While genetic factors, immune systems, and environmental influences develop psoriasis. By raising awareness of these factors, those suffering from psoriasis can make the right decisions regarding their lifestyle, medical care, and ways to reduce stress, enhancing their skin quality and making them face their condition confidently.